Poison Anonymous is a 12-step fellowship of anonymous individuals who share their experience, strength, and hope in recovering from their use of poison. We define poison as any addictive chemical, activity, or thought process that may have or may be having a negative effect on our lives. (1)
Our use of the term “poison” may offend some people. Words matter. Offensive (but true) words can contribute to solving the problem. Our members understand the serious nature of the problem (2), and don’t have time for anything other than the truth. We have a serious problem that requires a serious solution. (You can click here to leave a comment.)
There and many coping strategies (3), and they are very important. But we believe the solution starts with the 12 Steps. (4).
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(1.) A general usage definition of the term poison is: “a substance that harms or kills people or animals if they swallow it or absorb it.” (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/poison) Some chemicals may not affect most people but can severely affect others. An obvious example is alcohol. Prescription medication when prescribe properly and used as directed can dramatically improve lives. When abused, these chemicals can have a very negative effect on peoples lives. And there are many other examples.